Custom Offers to Purchase
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  • Writer's pictureZeno Lancaster

Custom Offers to Purchase

Did you know that all those forms you're given as a Broker (such as the offer to purchase sort of thing) can be customized? You're told that you're not supposed to draft anything outside of those, right? However, you can add addendums, you just need to get your lawyer involved!

We can change the terms around as we see fit, as long as it's otherwise legal, which a lawyer can help you with. That means you can move the due diligence due date, the diligence fee, the due date back and more. You can make the contract contingent on a certain issue. You can make the due diligence period extended for maybe an issue past its original expiration date. You can even make the whole contract contingent on whether they can get a purple fence or have chickens. You can do all sorts of things, but you need to involve a lawyer.

A lot of lawyers may not be that accessible pre-contract. When you're trying to write that offer, we are available, and it doesn't cost you anything. We'll get you these most of the times, same day. If you reach out to us early enough, we'll give it to you same day, so you can get that offer in. Reach out to Lancaster Law Firm and let us help you become more competitive with these addendums!

-Zeno Lancaster, Managing attorney

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